One of our past projects, created by some of the brilliant minds at 360 Studios in collaboration with country artist, Granger Smith, has recently hit a 6 million view mark on Youtube. Earl Dibbles Jr.'s "Country Boy Song" was originally concocted as a satire of country music cliches. Who knew it would become a nation-wide sensation that would land Granger Smith, a.k.a. Earl Dibbles, Jr. on ESPN and CMT in all of his "country boy" glory?!? Most won't believe that this video was shot with only a crew of 5 people at a ranch in west Texas. It's also the first time we had hands on experience shooting with the F3 ( which was the latest and greatest camera out at the time). Though the artist has come out with many new videos since, "Country Boy Song" still holds as the top watch on his page. We are proud to have a 6-million-viewed music video under our belt - even if it was just for kicks.
Mesmerizing! Paper Kites! →
Check out this fantastic music video by "The Paper Kites-young!"
It was created by Darcy Pendergast comprised of 7 days of shooting, 350 Faces and 4000 photographs. This is definitely one of the most memorable music videos we've seen. You just can't take your eyes off of it. Like I said, M.E.S.M.E.R.I.S.I.N.G. It's about time we start seeing worthwhile music videos with original concepts. So simple, yet so profound.
Video Language
360 Studios and Incarus Burning are teaming up to produce a three-part music video for Language Room. The three music videos will come together to tell one intense, heartbreaking yet hopeful story when watched chronologically. The 9 min short film that will feature one song from each of Language Room's three albums.
Casting has begun and are taking submissions here:
For more information on how to be involved, send an email to: casting to:
You can check out Language Rooms music on itunes or go to their website at:
We are extremely excited to work on this project and collaborate with the band to showcase their love of music into visual art. And we love their music!