To shed some light on how it all began, here is an exceprt from the Language Room (now known as, KIONA) website.
‘Threads’ Video Trilogy About a year ago we approached Director of Photography, Andrew Barrera, with a video idea we had for our song, “Skin & Heart & Lungs”. After several meetings and discussions, Andrew came back with a suggestion. He said, if we’re going to do this, lets do something special. He suggested a trilogy video of three different songs, each one melding into the next but each standing on its own. We knew right away that we needed strict direction to make sure we could make it all work and keep the story in line, so we brought in Director, Wes Evans and began meetings to orchestrate and plan everything.
All of a sudden, what was a simple music video, had turned into a massive undertaking involving a cast of 15, 13 crew members, more than 10 locations, 3 days of shooting and a laser focused vision to combine 3 separate songs into one cohesive story while retaining their individuality. Much more to come but below are some of the story boards. All by the talented illustrator, Miguel Coronado III. See his contact details below and stay tuned for more behind the scenes footage and interviews.
All story board art by Miguel Coronado III Illustrator, view my work at: Follow: @miguelcoronado3