We are proud to announce that "Stranger Bedfellows" has made it into its first film festival. Congratulations so all the cast, crew, and indigogo supporters that helped get us to this point. We have plenty more submissions out there... keep your fingers crossed!
7th Annual LA INDIE Film Fest
A little bit about the festival, which runs September 10-20th 2015:
“The LA INDIE Film Festival is the partner festival to the well established LA COMEDY Festival, www.LAComedyFest.com. Over the years we have had the privilege to work with hundreds of filmmakers who have told wonderfully funny stories. Many have gone on to make great films in other genres.
Every LA COMEDY Festival we receive hundreds of film submissions and have been struck by how many of those films we receive that don’t necessarily fit into the genre of comedy, but are nonetheless super films that deserve to be seen by an LA audience and Industry. This made us think how wonderful it would be to showcase all the terrific stories that are being told in film, in all the different, creative ways in which they are being told. And of course, comedies are welcome too!”